Showing posts with label did you know. Show all posts
Showing posts with label did you know. Show all posts

Why Some Trees are Painted White

Why are Trees Painted White

why are trees painted white, why some trees are painted white, why are trees painted red and white in india, why do they paint trees white, painting tree trunks with lime, tree trunk paint, why do they paint the bottom of palm trees white, reasons behind
why do they paint trees white

Tree Trunk Paint:

The white painting of tree trunks is an ancient method of protecting young trees that are often found in orchards and tree farms. There are several objectives, but the main one of them is to prevent them from Splitting and cracking new and soft bark, which can allow the introduction of diseases, insects, and fungus. It is also useful to highlight insect infestations and to prevent the proliferation of certain pests.

Painting Tree Trunks with Lime

It is also the traditional way to protect tree trunks from heat and the sun is to paint them with a thick layer of lime and water. Most of the time, lime and water are heated to extend the duration of the coating.

Why do They Paint the Bottom of Palm Trees White 

why are trees painted white, why some trees are painted white, why are trees painted red and white in india, why do they paint trees white, painting tree trunks with lime, tree trunk paint, why do they paint the bottom of palm trees white, reasons behind
White Tree Trunk Paint - Why Do People Paint Trees White

This method is called whitewashing. The white paint will reflect the sunlight and thus keep the bark cooler. Some tree trunks are painted with white latex paint to prevent the destruction of the bark by sudden temperature changes in late fall and winter. Tree painting helps protect the tree from winter fodder from the bark.

Why are Trees Painted Red and White in India

Usually, they are painted white and black ... in some places, they are painted white and red ... because in India most trees exceed the limits of the sidewalk and barks and roots sometimes protruding on the roads ... since white is best seen in the evening we use white and red and black it is easier to visualize the day ...

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Why Hiccups Occur

Why Do We Hiccup?

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why hiccups will come

Hiccups are an explosion of inspiratory activity. The muscles we use when we breathe are the intercostal muscles between the ribs and the diaphragm - a layer of muscle beneath the lungs.

Most simple cases of hiccups occur after eating or drinking too much or too quickly. The stomach, located just below the diaphragm, is distended and irritated. This will cause the contraction of the diaphragm, as during inspiration.

Why Hiccups Occur Frequently

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why hiccups are caused

Sometimes, hiccups occur because of a disruption of the nerve pathways from the brain to the muscles involved. This explains why hiccups can occur with changes in temperature or emotional situations. This is also the reason why a sudden shock can sometimes abolish an attack.

Persistent hiccups can mean problems in the brain, spinal cord, or any of the structures around the diaphragm or chest wall.

why hiccups come continuously:

Most cases of hiccups can be cured or resolved in a short time and rarely constitute a medical emergency. Consult your doctor if the hiccups last more than three hours or if it disturbs your eating habits or sleep patterns.

How to Stop Hiccups Instantly at Home
why do we hiccup?, why hiccups occur, why hiccups occur frequently, why hiccups come continuously, how to stop hiccups instantly at home, why hiccups are caused, hiccups, reasons behind
Hiccups treatment at home

Stop Hiccups at Home

  1. Hold your breath
  2. Drink water
  3. Bite a lemon
  4. Gargle with water
  5. Smell salt
  6. Pull your tongue

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Why do Hindus Break Coconut in the Temple

Significance of Breaking Coconut in Hindu Rituals

why do hindus break coconut in the temple, significance of breaking coconut in hindu rituals, Hindus break coconut, hindu breaking coconut, hindu coconut breaking ritual, why hindu break coconut, reasons behind
breaking coconut hindu ritual

Why do Hindus Break Coconut in Temple

Coconut is used in various auspicious occasions. Coconut leaves are tied like a Torana above or beside the doors of the houses during all the auspicious ceremonies. The coconut is also a symbol of fertility. Therefore, a woman wishing to conceive a child should plant a coconut tree or offer coconuts to the gods or goddesses.

It is also used at weddings, festivals, using a new vehicle, building a bridge, laying the foundation stone of a house, etc. It's as if the coconut guaranteed that everything would be fine.

Hindu Coconut Breaking Ritual

why do hindus break coconut in the temple, significance of breaking coconut in hindu rituals, Hindus break coconut, hindu breaking coconut, hindu coconut breaking ritual, why hindu break coconut, reasons behind
Hindu breaking coconut

Reason Behind Breaking the Coconut in Hindu Ritual

The coconut is known as "Sriphal" in Sanskrit. Sriphal means the fruit of God.

So, the coconut is essentially the fruit of the gods. Breaking a coconut symbolizes breaking your ego and humbling yourself before God. The hard shell of ignorance and ego is broken, giving way to the inner purity and knowledge that is symbolized by the white part of the coconut.

First, the coconut has a very strange characteristic, unlike other fruits. The coconut has a hard, dark shell on the outer side, but is soft and white on the inside of the coconut. This makes a coconut very special.

Why Hindu Break Coconut

According to our ancient writings, the outer part is considered anger, ego, all the negative thoughts and qualities of a person, while the inner part is considered pure, innocent, all thoughts and qualities are positive. When we break a coconut while worshiping at home or at the temple, we make sure, in the name of the deity, that we will break all our negative qualities to obtain a new pure soul with all kindness.

Importance Of  Breaking Coconut:

why do hindus break coconut in the temple, significance of breaking coconut in hindu rituals, Hindus break coconut, hindu breaking coconut, hindu coconut breaking ritual, why hindu break coconut, reasons behind
Hindu coconut breaking ritual

Another unpleasant truth is coconut is offered instead of the head of a human because the marks on the coconut make it look like the head of a human!

Breaking a coconut symbolizes breaking your ego and humbling yourself before God.

Subsequently, this practice became widespread and is regularly part of the worship of Hindu temples.

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Why February has 28 Days

February has 28 Days

February 28 days why, February 28 days reason, February has 28 days, February 28 day special, February 28 day in history, reasons behind
why there are 28 days in February

Why February is Shortest Month

This is the fault of the Romans. Our modern calendar is vaguely based on its former one, which is confusing.

The 28 days of February date back to the second king of Rome, Numa Pompilius. Before becoming king, the lunar calendar of Rome was only ten months old. It started in March and ended in December. At the time, Romulus, the first king of Rome, and his people found that the period between December and March mattered little because it had nothing to do with the harvest.

When Numa Pompilius took his reign, he decided to specify the calendar by aligning it with the 12 lunar cycles of the year. The new year of 355 days took two more months to make up for the lost time. So he added January and February at the end of the calendar.

February 28 days why 
February 28 days why, February 28 days reason, February has 28 days, February 28 day special, February 28 day in history, reasons behind
February 28 day in history

Why February has Less Days

Because the Romans feel that even the numbers were unlucky, each month had a strange variety of days, alternating between twenty-nine and thirty-one.

However, to reach 355 days, one month had to be an even number. February was chosen to be the unlucky month with 28 days.

According to Slate, this choice may be due to the fact that the Romans honored the dead and performed cleansing rituals in February. In fact, the word February means "purify" in the dialect of the ancient Sabine tribe.

After a few years of use of the new 355-day calendar of Numa Pompilius, the seasons and the months began to get out of sync. In an attempt to realign the two, the Romans added a leap month of 27 days as needed. If Mercedonius was used, it started on February 24th.

Why February has 28 or 29 Days

February 28 days why, February 28 days reason, February has 28 days, February 28 day special, February 28 day in history, reasons behind
why February has only 28 days

Because the leap month was incoherent, that too had its obvious flaws. In 45 BC, Julius Caesar commissioned an expert to create a sun-based calendar similar to that used by the Egyptians. The Julian calendar has added just over 10 days each year, 30 or 31 days a month, except in February.

To account for 365.25 years of years, one day was added in February every four years, now called a "leap year". For most years, there were only 28 days left in February.

According to mental floss, for Rome to be on the right track with the Julian calendar, the year 46 BC was to last 445 days!

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Why There is Small Arrow on Fuel Gauge

Why There is a Small Arrow on the Fuel Tank

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arrow on fuel gauge

Arrow in Fuel Gauge:

Have you ever noticed a small arrow next to the fuel pump icon on your car's fuel gauge? Well, if you did, but you've never been really sure what that meant, we're here to tell you a little secret.

The small arrow on the gas tank

This small arrow tells you which side of your car is the fuel cap.

This is a particularly useful feature if you are driving a rental car, but also very useful in your daily life if you are one of those who can never remember every the time you arrive at a gas station.

When was the Gas Arrow Invented

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arrow on fuel filter

Gas tank indicator arrow history:

The Arrow has appeared in most new cars since around 2010, which makes it quite standard. (Maurice Durand, an engineer at Toyota, told the website that in older cars, the side of the pump icon on which the hose appears indicates the side of the car with the fuel tank cap).

Yet, many people still do not know about this smart little arrow meaning very few people know about this arrow. So forward the news by sharing it with your friends.

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Why Are There Holes in Shoes?

What are the Holes in Shoes Called 

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what are the holes on converse for 

What are the holes in your shoes called 
Two holes on the side of converse shoes:

Today, we bring you the news that why these extra holes in the side of your Converse shoes? actually, have a reason to be. That's right, they're not just a for design - they have two very specific reasons.

Have a look on your Converse shoes stunned, not knowing what to do with those side holes on a converse shoe.

What are the Holes in Converse Shoes Called

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two holes on sneakers

what are the metal holes on shoes called 
  1. The primary purpose is to provide ventilation to your feet. The holes allow air to circulate and prevent your feet from sweating. To be honest, we can not really consider this as effective unless you go without a sock, what we think in the converse would actually be pretty uncomfortable?
  2. Second reason If the shoes don't fit properly, you can easily tighten up your shoes by using these two holes.
  3. Another purpose is to allow you to be creative in lacing. That's right, it's not enough to lace up your Converse in the traditional way
How to Lace Converse

  1. It may be a little tedious (and tedious) for us, but it's always good to have options.
  2. Bar Lacing allows you to make your shoe snugger. Move the first two sets of holes up.
  3. Pull a lace from one end and pull it to the first hole near the toes. Pull it into the second hole.
  4. Take the lace and pull it to the opposite hole. Take the opposite end of the lace and go through the same hole.
  5. After bringing the two laces together, continue to lace one across and cross them.
  6. This leaves a lace with only one cross on.
  7. Here's what it looks like once you're done. A more casual and elegant look.

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converse shoe lacing two holes

Why Is There a Ball on Top of Hats

Why there is a ball on the top of the knitted cap

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pom pom ball

why is there a ball on top of winter hats

A knitted hat, originally made of wool, is designed to provide warmth in cold weather. The wool cap was traditionally an extremely popular headdress for sailors, fishermen, hunters, and others who spent their working day outdoors from the 18th century. Present throughout the world, where the climate demands a warm hat, the knit hat can be found under a host of local names.

Most beanie hats are tapered at the top. The stretching of the knit itself tights the head, keeping the cap secure. They are sometimes topped with a pom pom or loose tassels. Knit hats may have a folded or non-wearing edge and maybe worn tight against the head or loose on the top.

History of the Pom Pom Hat
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why pom poms on hat

According to French, the word pompon means Pom Pom which refers to the small decorative ball made of feathers or fabric material. It also means an "ornamental spherical tuft" and refers originally to its use on a hat or tuft-like flower head.

What is the Purpose of the Pom Pom on Winter Hats

why do hats have a pom pom

The pom pom is useful for hiding the finishing threads of a hat. Knitting allows you to have a seamless stretchy hat until you reach the top. Modern hats are finished with decreasing stitches leaving seams; or the hat can be constructed as a parallel tube with a cord at the top, leaving folds. Anyway, if you're not a knitting expert, you can put a pompom on it.

Pom Pom on Beanie
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pom pom on winter hats

winter hat with ball on top

Although pompoms have always been part of the traditional dress in Scotland.

This impressive headdress caught the attention of European regiments, including soldiers of army Napoleon's use to put their own brand.

Meanwhile, outside the battlefield, the pom-pom was also of great importance. 

In South America, men's and women's traditional clothing were decorated with different colored pompoms to indicate their marital status. In Rome, the clergy wore square-point hats called birettas.

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Why There is a Loops on Shopping Carts

Why do Loops on Shopping Carts Have

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Shopping cart hooks

why do loops on shopping carts have holes

Loops on shopping carts:

Most people buy groceries about once a week... It's such a regular activity that you may not even notice certain details.

For example, many baskets have these metal loops on them. You may not have given them a second thought, but they have been there.

Shopping Cart Hacks

But why are these loops there? Aesthetic reasons? This seems rather unlikely.

No, they are there for a practical purpose. One that seems rather obvious once you discover it.

loops on shopping carts, why there is a loops on shopping carts, two loops on shopping cart, use of loops on shopping cart, shopping cart hooks, grocery cart hook, reasons behind
two loops on the shopping cart

Shopping Cart Bag Holder

The reason why shopping cart has loops is you can hang your bags at the loops once you have passed the checkout. This gives you a little extra space in the basket.

Grocery Shopping Cart Features

And you can protect more fragile objects, like eggs. The loop supports most of the weight of a bag, preventing the eggs from being crushed.

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Why Pen Caps Have Holes

Why do bic Pens have a hole in the side

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holes on the top of pen caps

Pen Cap Holes

One of the most common things we notice every day but never pay attention to is the holes you see at the end of the ballpoint pens that we use regularly. the Reynolds ballpoint pen we grew up with writing, most pen caps, if not all, have a hole at the end of the cap.

Why do Pens Have Holes in the Cap

One common assumption behind this was to dry the ink faster.

You have probably already chosen a random feature, which regulates the air pressure or prevents the ink from drying out. And, yes, having a hole on them can properly close the lid without the problem of air pressure.

But it also serves another simple purpose to reduce the risk of choking deaths.

why do bic pens have a hole in the side, why do pens have holes in the cap, pen cap deaths per year?, holes on the top of pen caps, why pen caps have holes, hole in pen cap snopes, bic pen cap stuck, reasons behind
bic pen cap stuck

why pen caps have holes in them
It turns out that it is not just us who love to chew pen lids - many people do, and this can lead to accidental swallowed and the installation of lids in the trachea, with potentially life-threatening consequences.

By simply adding a larger hole to the top of the lid, the pen company's BIC pen has increased flow and therefore the possibility that people can still breathe despite this, a style feature that virtually saves lives.

"In addition to preventing the pen from ink leaking, all of our BIC caps comply with international safety standards that decide to minimize the risk of children being accidentally swallowed pen caps.

why do bic pens have a hole in the side, why do pens have holes in the cap, pen cap deaths per year?, holes on the top of pen caps, why pen caps have holes, hole in pen cap snopes, bic pen cap stuck, reasons behind
Hole in pen cap Snopes

Pen Cap Deaths Per Year

About 100 people die each year in the United States after swallowed with the lids of pens. Other pen manufacturers have followed and added bigger holes to the top of their pen caps.

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Why Mark Zuckerberg Wear Same Clothes

Why Mark Zuckerberg Wears the Same Shirt

mark zuckerberg grey t shirt, reasons mark zuckerberg wears the same tshirt, why mark zukerberg wears same clothes, grey shirt, grey tshirt, reasons behind
mark Zuckerberg grey t-shirt

Mark Zukerberg Grey shirt 

We have all seen the photo or video of Face book’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, several times. Many of you have seen them too. You may have noticed that Mark Zuckerberg still wears the same kind of shirt. We often see them in the same t-shirt, jeans.

Mark Zuckerberg often likes to wear a brown t-shirt It would not be wrong to mention that these T-shirts have become their identity.

Mark Zuckerberg posted his wardrobe picture on his Facebook page. In which all the clothes are the same color. In November 2014, when Mark Zuckerberg organized his first "question-and-answer" session in the form of Facebook's CEO, this question also arises at that time.

Why Mark Zuckerberg wears Grey Shirt

mark zuckerberg grey t shirt, reasons mark zuckerberg wears the same tshirt, why mark zukerberg wears same clothes, grey shirt, grey tshirt, reasons behind
reasons Mark Zuckerberg wears the same tshirt

Mark Zuckerberg said he does not wear the same t-shirt every day, but he has a lot. They gave the answer in a philosophical style and said, "I wear brown t-shirts every day because it tells us how we think about our duties to society.

" He said he did not want to lose his time in little things like T-shirt colors or types, which have no meaning in life.

Mark Zuckerberg recently said by sharing a picture of his wardrobe on Facebook: "After the paternity leave, we are on the first day of work, I do not understand what to wear." This photo contained two types of gray t-shirts.

By wearing the same kind of clothes, Mark  Zuckerberg says that in doing so, he can focus more on his work and improve it. They also get a lot of help to make quick decisions.

Although these Mark Zuckerberg clothes seem dull and boring, the reason for this change will surely affect you.
