Facts on Beer that no one knows

Did You Know Facts on Beer

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amazing facts on beer

Here are some interesting facts on a beer to share with you

  1. Americans celebrate National Beer Day on April 7 Every year.
  2. 0.7% of the world is drunk at any time. So 50 million people are drunk right now.
  3. After winning the Nobel Prize, Niels Bohr received a perpetual supply of beer to his home.
  4. The fear of an empty glass of beer is named as Cenosillicaphobia
  5. Invented in the early 1900s, the word "alcoholiday" means leisure time spent drinking.
  6. The longest hangover in the world has lasted for 4 weeks when a Scotsman drank 60 tons of beer.
  7. The builders of the Great Pyramid of Giza were paid a beer to their workers on daily ration.
  8. The strongest beer in the world contains 67.5% alcohol.
  9. Fried Beer won the Most Creative Fried Food Award at the 2010 Texas State Fair.
  10. Amsterdam pays € 10 and tobacco as well as 5 cans of beer for a working day.
  11. The top five states for per capita beer consumption: 1. North Dakota, 2. New Hampshire, 3. Montana, 4. South Dakota, 5. Wisconsin.
  12. Until the 1970s, table beers were served in school canteens in Belgium.
  13. In spas in Europe, you can literally bathe in beer as a physical and mental therapeutic treatment.
  14. In Africa, banana-based beer is drunk.
  15. The common breakfast in medieval Europe was a beer soup
  16. More Guinness beer is consumed in Nigeria than in Ireland.
  17. In the land of the Pharaoh of Egypt, beer was the national currency.
  18. Political parties have their own brands of beer, In Argentina.

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