Why Hanging is Given Before Sunrise

Why Hanging in Early Morning

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hanging before sunrise

Why Hanging Time Fixed Early in the Morning

Capital punishment or the death penalty is imposed on an individual who has committed a serious crime under the law. The decision is considered a constitutionally sanctioned practice whereby a person is put to death as a punishment.

In the eyes of the law, certain crimes are classified as capital offenses for which the judge rules on the death penalty. In some countries, execution involves decapitating the prisoner and in others, hanging him to death.

They are condemned only when the crime is beyond forgiveness in the eyes of the law. The implementation of the sentence requires a set of protocols; one of which is the moment of execution. The execution procedure is always done before sunrise.

Why Criminals are Hanged Before Sunrise?

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hanging early morning

A prison hanged before sunrise for Four Reasons such as legal, administrative, ethical, and social reasons.

Legal Reason

As the person is held in a prison before the execution and the legal act is executed on the premises of the prison, the prison manual is followed.

In India, where the death penalty is still in force, the "Penitentiary Manual for the Supervision and Management of Penitentiary Institutions in India" states:

"The execution must take place early in the morning the different seasons will be in accordance with the orders by the government ".

Administrative Reason

"The execution, which is one of the most important tasks of the day for the prison authorities, is usually done in the early morning. This would ensure that other daily tasks are not affected. "

"The hanging follows a medical examination (death compliant), entries in various registers, notes, and approval, and gives the body to the family of the detainee. Performing in the morning facilitates these tasks. "

why hanging in early morning, why hanging is given before sunrise, why is a prisoner hanged before sunrise?, why criminals are hanged before sunrise, hanging, sunrise, early morning, reasons behind
prison hanging before sunrise

Ethical Reason

"A person sentenced to death should not wait for the time of day. This would lead to immense mental agony on his part. His punishment is the death penalty and not a mental agony. He must be woken up a few hours before the execution and after performing routine physical tasks and prayers (if any), he will be taken to the gallows. This will allow enough time for an inmate's family to take his body to his place of origin and prepare for his last rites."

Social Reason

"Hanging a prison is great news for the affected society. To limit the effects of attachment on the collective consciousness of society and limit any social trauma or social outcry, execution is performed before sunrise (society wakes up) at the event. "

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