Extra Piece of Cloth in New Clothes Why?

Why there is an Extra Piece of Cloth in New Clothes

Extra piece of cloth, extra piece of fabric
Fabric Text Cloth

Image Source: Google

What to do with extra fabric?

Have you ever wondered why a small fabric sample is included when you buy a new piece of clothing? It's pretty common with shirts and pants. Do not sew torn stains as I thought earlier.

You may have seen fabric stains with your recently purchased clothes. Contrary to popular belief, these patches are not really for sewing in case you tear the fabric.

Why we get Extra Piece of Cloth with new clothes

Extra piece of cloth, extra piece of fabric
Sample Piece of Cloth

Image Source: Google

Use of Extra piece of fabric?

This extra piece of cloth should be used as a test to check the material of your new dress. Instead of putting new clothes in the laundry and then discovering that they are shrinking or disappearing, you can first try them on these leftovers and see how the material reacts to your detergent.

So now, you know what to do with this extra sample piece of cloth. Do not throw it, guys.

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